
KSoft.SI api wrapper written in pure Rust


Add this to your Cargo.toml to add the crate to your project

version = "1.1.4"

In order to enable the `blocking` feature, you must disable default features

Added `serenity` feature implementing TypeMapKey for the client

Asynchronous example

use ksoft::Client;

async fn main() {
    let client = Client::new("TOKEN HERE"); //crate the client
    if let Ok(meme) = client.images.random_meme().await { //try to get a random meme handling the possible error
        //Do some logical stuff here...
    } else {
        //Handle possible response error

Blocking example

use ksoft::blocking::Client

fn main() {
    let client = Client::new("TOKEN HERE"); //create the client
    if let Ok(meme) = client.images.random_meme() { //try to get a random meme handling the possible error
        //Do some logical stuff here...
    } else {
        //Error handling stuff

Last updated

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